KM Dance Project is a New Orleans based dance company presenting progressive choreography and innovative multi-disciplinary works that lie at the intersection of dance-theater and social justice. Using art to address existing inequities, racial injustices and acts of violence against people in marginalized communities, we aim to make powerful statements that challenge societal standards and enhance the public’s appreciation of dance rooted in experiences of the African Diaspora.
Photo by Melissa Cardona

We value the importance of creating dance not just for arts sake, but movement that moves people, creativity that can inform people and art that can change someone’s perspective. As we collectively use our artistic voices to promote social change, we understand that inside the creative process and the audience experience exists the possibility of healing, which can potentially be a catalyst for change.
Photo by Melissa Cardona

As part of our mission we are committed to providing opportunities for young dancers to experience instruction in dance technique as well as dance making.
The KMDP Youth Ensemble offers pre-professional dancers training in dance and composition as well as crucial leadership and development skills that can facilitate achievement and success in the world of dance and everyday life. Serving a wide range of communities – from under-served populations to university dance students – we are excited to offer classes in Modern, Contemporary, Ballet, Jazz and Composition as a part of our residency options. We can also provide residencies that include professional performance and choreographic opportunities for aspiring artists.
Photo by Sykes Photography

Choreographic Initiative
A part of KM Dance Project’s mission is to provide opportunities for emerging choreographers of color desiring an artistic platform to express ideas and issues that affect and impact marginalized communities. Members of the KMDP Ensemble are offered the opportunity to present a new choreographic work for KMDP’s bi-annual choreographic showcase. This initiative provides creative support through feedback exchange and mentorship throughout the choreographic development process as well as access to professional dancers in the KMDP ensemble, rehearsal space, costumes, props, and documentation/work samples.
Photo by Melissa Cardona